RedLine — Transport Kendall

red line

The backbone of the Cambridge transit system


Rendering of the new Red Line trains destined for MBTA tracks.


  • Advocate for and ensure Red Line capacity increase is delivered
  • Implement Kendall Square station improvements
  • Make the Red Line resilient to climate change

Infographic on Kendall Square Station use. Text reads: Kendall Square Station entries increased 34% from 2007 to 2016. Station entries are expected to double from 2012 to 2040.

The Kendall Red Line Station is the 8th busiest station in the MBTA system and the 5th fastest growing station. Today's Red Line travelers in Kendall Square often find themselves on full trains and crowded platforms, sometimes getting left behind. With current and planned development, the expectation is that more people will want to take the Red Line, which will exacerbate today's problems. A new fleet of Red Line cars, estimated to be fully operational by 2024, should enable the MBTA to run a train every 3 minutes, adding approximately 50% more capacity at rush-hour. Yet despite these new trains and additional signal and trackwork, questions remain as to whether these improvements will fully meet the future growing demands of Kendall Square and the region.


Cover image of A Better City’s ‘Positive Signals’ Report

In February of 2022, A Better City (ABC) released a Positive Signals: A Framework for Advanced Signals & Control report for the MBTA Red & Orange Lines. The report examines the positive impact investing in signal infrastructure will have for riders and the MBTA in terms of reliability, safety, ridership, economic growth, and climate resiliency. To read the report, click on the button below.
